The overall objective of the ProPulse project is identify and take advantage of innovations at different stages of the pulse value chain in Benin and Burkina-Faso, for promoting sustainable intensification of cropping systems, as well as sustainable processing and consumption of pulses.
The project has 4 specific objectives:
1. To identify cultivars that can simultaneously hold accepted agronomic, technological, organoleptic, and nutritional traits, as defined by the various users (producers, processors, consumers).
2. To identify scenarios and conditions that allow pulse cropping systems to be sustainable and used by producers.
3. To support the consumption of pulses, by identify the barriers to pulses consumption, as well as organizational and technical innovations to improve product diversification and quality.
4. To strengthen the technical and organizational capacities of the stakeholders of the pulse value chain (producers, processors and professional organizations).
WP0: Project management and coordination
WP1: Diversity of pulses and selection criteria depending on the stakeholders
WP2: Innovative approach to pulse production in agricultural systems and farms
WP3: Promotion of the use of pulses in the diet and in the processing sector
WP4: Strengthening the technical and organizational capacities of production and processing actors