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Pauline Della Rossa - Stradiv flagship project: "Collective conception of innovative territorial to implement coordinated changes in agricultural production systems. The case of the reduction of herbicides in a river of Martinique"

Pauline Della Rossa defended her thesis on 25 February 2020. Carried out within the framework of the Stradiv flagship project, and funded by Agropolis Fondation, her subject was "Collective conception of innovative territorial to implement coordinated changes in agricultural production systems. The case of the reduction of herbicides in a river of Martinique".

Pauline Della Rossa was supervised by Marianne Le Bail and Philippe Cattan and hosted at the University of Paris-Saclay, within the framework of the Doctoral School Agriculture, Food, Biology, Environment, Health (Paris; 2015-....), in partnership with AgroParisTech (France) (institution where the thesis was prepared) and Sciences pour l’Action et le Développement : Activities, Products, Territories (SADAPT) (laboratory).


In the West Indies, the climate is favorable for the growth of weeds and monocultures need chemical inputs, which increases the pesticide pressure. In Martinique, pollution by chemical molecules, via spatialized transfer mechanisms at the watershed scale, degrades the quality of river water. In this context, the thesis proposes an original collective design method to design innovative territorial organizations that coordinate changes in agricultural production systems, which reduce the concentration of herbicide in rivers.The approach is applied to a watershed polluted by herbicides and combines: a socio-technical system diagnosis, a phase of innovative design workshops inspired by the CK theory and a phase of evaluation of innovative concepts by simulation in a role-playing game. Innovations involve a spatial distribution of innovative techniques on the territory of the watershed and devices, facilities, organizations to ensure their success and sustainability. The thesis is in the fields of Landscape Agronomy and Innovative Design Agronomy.

Source Thèses.fr