The 31st International Congress of Horticulture closed its doors on August 19, 2022 in Angers, after having gathered nearly 2500 participants, 2000 of whom were registered in person, including 500 French.
Rémi Kahane (UMR HortSys, CIRAD), vice-president of IHC 2022, tells us about this extraordinary organization with 5 major conferences, 25 symposia, 18 workshops, 17 technical tours that earned the national encouragement of Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, and the international encouragement of Beth Bechdol, FAO Deputy Director-General for Research, Training and Entrepreneurship in Horticulture, in order to face the global challenges of the next few years, which are already so sensitive in the summer 2022.
With the support of Agropolis Fondation and SNHF, the International Horticulture Thesis Competition - 3MHT was held, chaired by Jean-Luc Regnard (Institut Agro Montpellier). The international jury chaired by Prof. Yves Desjardins (Laval University, Quebec (Canada)) selected 7 high-level finalists.
In front of an audience of more than 1000 people, each candidate presented his thesis in 3 minutes, an unforgettable experience that brought great visibility to these young researchers.
The first prize was awarded by Agropolis Fondation to Dr. Marta Nunes da Silva from the University of Porto (Portugal) for her work on the exploration of tolerance mechanisms and new control strategies applied to bacterial wilt of kiwi. Marta used cellular and molecular tools to assess the genotypic variability of plants to the pathogen and explore sustainable strategies for disease mitigation through integrated approaches.
Marta Nunes da Silva
Rémi Kahane , UMR HortSys- CIRAD