Foundations are increasingly taking up the challenge of promoting and supporting efforts that contribute to addressing the sustainability challenge facing the food system. In late 2015, Agropolis, Cariplo and Carasso Foundations launched the Thought for Food Initiative. This joint initiative to support research on agricultural and food systems’ sustainability, with a contribution of 1M€ from each foundation, covers the following aspects :
· Sustainability and diversity of agricultural production systems
· Sustainable food processing
· Sustainability of food systems in urban areas
An international Call for Proposals focusing on the first two aspects cited above resulted to the selection of five collaborative and multidisciplinary scientific research projects. A sixth project focusing on the third aspect has been commissioned to develop and test a methodology to map the impact pathways that go from urban innovations to all dimensions of food systems process sustainability.
As the projects wrap up their activities, Agropolis Fondation is taking this opportunity to highlight them. From now on, a TFF project will be featured on our website homepage each month, until June 15, 2020.
On this same day, the Thought for Food initiative Closing Meeting is being organized as a side event of the 4th Global Conference on Food Security to be held in Montpellier from 16 to 18 June 2020.