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UPR Recyclage et Risques

Controlling the environmental risk linked to the recycling of organic waste

The "UPR Recyclage et Risques" unit joined the network in January 2020.

Agricultural, industrial and urban development generate a production of varied organic matter in ever-increasing quantities. In fact, there is a growing demand from society for the agricultural and energy recovery of these organic materials. But it is not so easy to implement... nor is it without risk.

The "Recyclage et risque" (Recycling and Risk) unit seeks to propose solutions with a controlled environmental impact to recover all of this organic waste.

The unit is structured around three main sites: Montpellier, Saint-Denis (Reunion Island) and Dakar in Senegal. Other researchers are based in Angers and Aix-en-Provence. It brings together some forty people, including sixteen scientific executives and about ten PhD students. They are mainly based in Montpellier, Reunion Island and Senegal.


Frédéric FEDER

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